Agricultural Lime, also called Ag-Lime, is a soil additive made from pulverised limestone.
The primary component of Ag-Lime is Calcium in the form of Calcium Carbonate. Marule Ag-Lime has 31% Calcium as Calcium Carbonate.
Our Cal-Mag is the perfect fertiliser for raising the pH level of soils and provided a boost of magnesium. If your soil has a low pH, and you're growing crops that require high levels of magnesium to grow significant yields, then our Cal-Mag is right for you.
Our Gypsum is perfect for keeping the calcium level of your soil intact, without changing the pH of the soil. It has no neutralising value, meaning it's perfect for spreading where the pH levels are already where they need to be.
Hi-Trace is a mix of many naturally occurring mineral elements.
Our Hi-Trace provides improved soil structure, aeration and drainage, improved stock health, and protects your plants with a rich amount of nutrients.